Postgraduate students - CS062401

An international PhD student made an application to extend their period of studies. This was their fourth extension request.

Postgraduate students - CS062408

Due to a staffing restructure, a member of academic staff who was the lead supervisor for a PhD student accepted a redundancy package which took immediate effect. The provider took four months to confirm the student’s new supervisory team. The student made a complaint about how long this had taken and about unclear communications.

Placement - CS032402

An international student applied for a four-year programme advertised on the provider’s website. The advertised programme included a placement year.

Placement - CS032404

A teaching student’s placement school raised concerns about their professional suitability and the student was immediately withdrawn from the placement. The provider then began Fitness to Practise (FtP) proceedings against the student and their studies were terminated the following term.

Accommodation - CS012404

A student asked to move accommodation sites to be nearer other students on their course. The provider agreed to this. After the move, the student complained to the provider about illegal drug taking in the kitchen of the second accommodation. The provider moved the student to a third accommodation site while the allegation was investigated.

Accommodation - CS012406

A student had to move out of accommodation A so the provider could make fire safety improvements to the building. The student was offered £500 for any disruption caused and they were told they could be released from their tenancy agreement if they were unhappy with the alternative accommodation offered.

Accommodation - CS012408

A student signed a tenancy agreement for some provider-owned accommodation at short notice without seeing the room. The student was unhappy with the standard of the accommodation and wanted to end their tenancy agreement.

Disciplinary matters (non-academic) - CS102305

A student made an arrangement with a third party for the payment of their tuition fees. The student paid the third party an amount in an overseas currency and they expected the third party to pay the student’s fees in British pounds sterling. The student shared their login details with the third party. The provider became aware that the fee payments were made using stolen credit cards.

Disciplinary matters (non-academic) - CS102303

A student was subject to disciplinary proceedings after a complaint was made by other students about their behaviour in a WhatsApp group. Following a disciplinary investigation, the student was excluded from the programme. As a goodwill gesture, the provider offered the student a tuition fee refund.

Student wellbeing - CS042303

A student was completing a year studying at a university in another country as part of their undergraduate degree. Towards the end of this year the student was told that the modules they had chosen could not count towards their qualification.