Academic appeal - CS052401

A student made an academic appeal against a fail grade for a practical exam involving interaction with patients in a healthcare setting (an OSCE).

Academic appeal - CS052402

A student passed a foundation year course but did not meet the grade boundary to progress onto a four-year MPharm course.

Academic appeal - CS052403

A student submitted their assignment online, four minutes after the submission deadline.

Academic appeal - CS052404

A postgraduate student did not achieve a passing grade for their dissertation at the second attempt.

International student - CS052405

After two assessment opportunities, an international student was successful in some modules but unsuccessful in others.

International student - CS052406

An international student was called to an academic misconduct meeting because their answers to a closed book exam had included a significant proportion of text copied from published sources and lecture notes.

International student - CS052407

An international student studying in the UK on a Student Visa received a letter from the provider telling them that their studies had been terminated because their attendance was 0%.

Disabled student - CS052408

A student affected by generalised anxiety disorder was part of a cohort affected by industrial action.

Disabled student - CS052409

A student with an autistic spectrum condition and a physical disability was studying a course in the performing arts at one provider (provider A) leading to the award of another provider (provider B).