Coronavirus - CS032106

A student was in the second year of a three-year undergraduate programme. The student complained to their provider about disruption to their studies during the 2019-20 academic year resulting from industrial action and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus - CS032107

An international student was self-isolating in their student accommodation, having returned from their home country. During their self-isolation a friend visited their room.

Coronavirus - CS112006

A student complained to their provider about the disruption to their studies resulting from industrial action, and the coronavirus lockdown. The student wanted financial compensation or a fee refund.

Coronavirus - CS112008

A student complained to their provider that their studies had been disrupted by industrial action which caused them to miss teaching and that they missed out on more teaching as a result of the move to online lessons during the coronavirus lockdown.

Coronavirus - CS112010

A small group of students were studying for a health-related course with practical elements. They complained to their provider about the quality and delivery of their studies in the first year and disruption during the second year caused by industrial action and lockdown.

Coronavirus - CS112009

A second-year, international student was studying four modules during the year for which they had paid fees of around £13,500. They complained to the provider that it had cancelled half of the expected on-campus learning because of coronavirus lockdown and asked for a refund of tuition fees.

Disciplinary procedures (non-academic) - CS082001

Several students in a Halls of Residence got into a dispute about noise. Over the course of an evening, a number of messages were exchanged via a group WhatsApp chat, which included offensive language and explicit sexual content.

Complaint - CS082005

A student complained that a member of staff had completed the National Student Survey (NSS) on her behalf during a meeting. Other students also expressed concerns and the matter was raised with the Office for Students (OfS).

Fitness to practise - CS101901

A student nurse was found not fit to practise and their registration on the course of study was terminated. The student had been removed from a student residence in the early hours of the morning for causing a disturbance. Another student in the residence had complained that the student had been harassing them, in person and via social media.

Industrial action - CS051901

A student complained to us, through their solicitor, that 31 lectures/tutorials had been cancelled due to industrial action during the first year of their undergraduate degree. The student requested compensation for lost teaching time.