Postgraduate research and supervision - Webinars

  • Tuesday 16 July 2024 | 1pm (Level 1)
  • Wednesday 17 July 2024 | 1pm (Level 1)
  • Thursday 18 July 2023, 10am & 1pm (Level 2) 
Postgraduate research and supervision

Level 1 webinars

This webinar will explore good practice in the handling of casework related to postgraduate research and supervision. Delegates will hear about trends in complaints from postgraduate students that reach the OIA and we will discuss case examples and set out our approach. 

This is a level 1 webinar. Level 1 webinars provide an overview of a topic and are led by the OIA with opportunities for some questions. It is suitable for:  

  • All points of contacts, delegates and other staff who deal with complaints and appeals concerning postgraduate research and supervision;  
  • All staff at providers who have an interest in and may on occasion deal with postgraduate research and supervision matters;  
  • Staff who have responsibility for drafting regulations and procedures in relation to postgraduate research and supervision.  
  • Individuals who support students involved in postgraduate research and supervision processes. 

Duration: up to 90 mins  

Dates and times:  

  • Tuesday 16 July 2024, 1pm 
  • Wednesday 17 July 2024, 1pm 
Register your interest

Level 2 webinars

This interactive webinar provides an opportunity to discuss approaches, and how to address casework relating to postgraduate research and supervision with colleagues from other providers and with OIA staff.  Using case scenarios as a prompt for discussion, delegates will be able to explore issues such as, how their provider sets expectations for postgraduate research students, how supervision works at their provider, what steps are undertaken to investigate students’ concerns relating to research and supervision, and the approach the provider takes to address these issues.  

Level 2 webinars are interactive discussions which focus on case study examples. Attendees will be sent a number of case studies in advance and will have the opportunity to contribute to a small, facilitated group discussion.  Level 1 webinars provide an overview of a topic and are led by the OIA with opportunities for some questions.   Level 2 webinars provide opportunities to focus on particular areas in more depth and are discussion based.  

Level 2 webinars are aimed at all staff at all providers with an interest in a particular topic. They are also suitable for staff and elected officers working in student representative bodies who have a particular interest in the topic. The webinar will be delivered using MS Teams, so use of a camera and headphones is highly recommended. Group sizes will be limited, to give attendees maximum opportunity to participate. 

Duration: up to 90 mins  

Dates and Times:   

  • Thursday 18 July 2023, 10am 
  • Thursday 18 July 2023, 1pm 
Register your interest